>February – Wow & Thanks!
>Hello everyone!
Sorry again for the long delay in between postings.
December and January was a very difficult and trying time for me, and as a result there was very little shooting during these 2 months, and therefore nothing to post.
Now February was a completely different story! It actually all started at the end of January with a shoot with a wonderful model, Jessica. After Jessica, February snowballed into a busy month with multiple shoots for the CBCF project. Angie, Elizabeth, Katie, and Tammy all had great shoots and executed some fantastic poses.
During the entire time of this project, I have not had such a positive response from would be participants like I did in February. I wish I could share more images with you from all the fantastic shoots.
So, I would like to give a very special thank you to these wonderful ladies for participating in this project, executing near flawless poses, and helping me find more participants.
Thank you Jessica, Angie, Elizabeth, Katie, and Tammy!
Here are some images from the shoots, enjoy!
PS. March is looking to be as busy or busier than February, so check back in early April for an update!